Absent Academy


The Absent Academy is staged in the form of a prestigious institution, a school dedicated the preservation and spreading of knowledge that has been forgotten, removed, repressed, hidden, ignored, or overwritten. The school staff Mr. Sipan Sezgin and Mr. Agat Sharma are the highly qualified and expert teachers committed to resurrecting these lost knowledges.

This academic year, students at the Absent Academy will have the opportunity to explore three unique and intriguing subjects. The first subject in The Absent Academy is called Writing a Poem in a Lost Language taught by Mr. Sezgin. The second subject is Drawing the Face of a Disappeared Person taught by Mr. Sharma. The academy concludes with a gruelling exam. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a certificate and will join the esteemed alumni of the Absent Academy.

The Absent Academy will premiere September 7th at the Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2023


  • Sipan Sezgin